Hi, I’m the owner of this website and would like to tell you my story about how I discovered this amazing tea.
In my late 30’s after 3 pregnancies and much stress from running my own business, I was very ill. I was so sick I sold my business, gave up my career as a cosmetologist, and spent the next 4 years regaining my health. In the mid-’90s, alternative medicine was beginning to shine its light on the world. Now, alternative medicine is everywhere. I’m glad I went through my healing when I did because now it’s buyer beware in the world of alternative medicine. You must be careful these days to get quality information and products. Back then, and with the help of my naturopathic doctor, I began to feel better in just a few weeks and have remained healthier than ever for the past 26 years.
One day in January of 2018, I got very sick. I went to my doctor with the complaint of the worst back pain I’d ever experienced. He said I had the flu, go home, get plenty of rest, and drink lots of fluids. I did just that. Two days later, I was in the ER because I knew I was dehydrating despite drinking many liquids. They hooked me up to an IV and took me for a CT scan. Nothing! Sent me home with the same diagnosis and instruction from my doctor. I had the flu. I called and went back to my doctor 2 days later. The pain was worse than ever, and I couldn’t stand it—the same thing. You’ve got the flu. Go home and take care of yourself. Exactly 36 hours later, I was in the ER with a kidney stone and was suffering sepsis, when an infection you already have enters the bloodstream and triggers a chain reaction of infection throughout the body. You can die very quickly if not treated properly. I was in the hospital for 5 days, and it took 5 weeks of rehabilitation to get back on my feet again. My kidney stone was calcium oxalate, so I stopped eating dairy and foods high in oxalates. Finally, I began to feel really good. Fast forward to 18 months later, and I have another kidney stone. This time it hit me fast and hard, and I knew exactly what the issue was. I went straight to the ER. Yep, another stone. I’m treated and sent home with a stent in hopes of draining the infection from the kidney and retrieving the stone during the removal of the stent several days later. Success! But this time, my stone was made of bacteria. WHAT?
Yes, bacteria can build kidney stones too. But why are my kidneys not working well enough to do their job? Long story short, my PH levels were off, and my kidneys could not kill the bacteria coming through them to be excreted. Therefore, my kidneys got sick again.
I’ve been told that the kidney’s job is to filter and kill bacteria, and one reason you have 2 of them. It may take both to do the job because the other will take over if one is weak. Sounds reasonable. But I don’t ever want another kidney stone.
So between my doctor (who has also suffered from kidney stones) and myself, we began to do some research. She is the one who figured out the PH imbalance thing. So my mission was to try and find a way to balance the PH and help my kidneys do their job.
I stumbled upon some information about herbal medicine and kidneys. I found a tea recipe, and I tried it. It seemed to help, but I wasn’t completely convinced. So I added one ingredient to this recipe, and I’m here to tell you on the 3rd night, I slept for 10 hours straight. I felt great just because I slept without getting up to go the bathroom in the middle of the night, which had become a habit 2 or 3 times a night.
My husband didn’t believe me, and even though he has not suffered from kidney issues as I had, he decided to try it. The same thing, on the third night, he slept through. So now we are both convinced. I brewed the tea, and we drank it religiously for about a year with great, long-lasting results.
I began to suggest it to some of my friends and acquaintances. Great results for them too. Hence, we decided to get this out to as many people as are willing to try it. I hope if you try it, you find the results to be great too.
I tell people you’ve got nothing to lose but a few dollars if it doesn’t work. There is nothing in it that is harmful in any way. It’s all clean, organic, quality, medicinal herbs combined in a recipe that helps the kidneys do the job they were intended to do! But, of course, I recommend you check with your doctor to be sure they are ok with you drinking this tea formula.
If you try this tea and it works for you, please tell your friends and family members so you can help them as we’ve helped you. Good news needs to travel fast.
Copyright 2024 – Kidney Health Tea.